March/April Covid-19

I see the world has come to a stand still. No one seems to know what’s happening or for how long, or if anything is actually real or are we being fed by our own government. I’ve been in isolation for 20 days now and if I’m truly honest, I’m loving it. I have turned all the news off on the TV and off my phone I’ve ignored anyone who has messaged about it because of all this scaremongering being plastered everywhere. People are slowly realising that this effects each and every single person, old or young, weak or not this Covid-19 doesn’t discriminate. Gender, blood type, race or culture it doesn’t care. This is coming for us all.

This isn’t just about you anymore, this is about protecting all our loved ones and the most vulnerable. I miss my family to, I’m only human but what this has showed me is how much I have stopped valuing there company and its just become a regular thing but its not always going to be like that, they are nearly 80 and one day they wont be there. I wont be able to just nip down. I have one other Nan and she has just moved to a care home in Ashover and my mum is beside herself as it is. Nan Nancy has got Alzheimer’s and now because the whole place is on lock down for 12 weeks my mum thinks she will forget her by the time she see’s her again. All this is so I can see her after we have been given the all clear. We all need to play our part in how we get through this.

As a kid my immune system was pretty faultless and *touch wood* I haven’t ever broken a bone or had chicken pox so bad I had to go to the hospital. However being 21 and being told you have numerous tumours around your body is gut wrenching to say the least but they have stuff that they can do to sort that, no problem – however this virus has nothing to stop it, no magic shot to make it all go away and that my friends, scares me. My life has been threatened before and I came through that fighting but that was just me. I have Lake and Lewis to think of now and I will protect them until my last breath if that’s what it took. Life is short and you need to protect what’s yours. Do it for us all. I sure as shit didn’t let cancer take me down I will not be taken down by a virus.

Isn’t it easy to slip into the world of social media? You’ve just popped on to check who the actor is in the film your watching and bam, films done you’ve seen nothing however you have learnt how to do a French plait upside down with ribbons, contour your abs so you have a 5 minute six pack and watched a grown man jump into a swimming pool that had frozen over. I love home accounts on social media and I’m terrible for falling in the trap of ‘I need to decorate’ or ‘I need that dress’ when in actual fact neither of these things will make me happy nor do I need. We are so consumer driven into buying stuff we don’t need. Yes that house on Instagram looks great, but its also owned by a young couple who have nothing else to spend there money on and they don’t have sticky jam finger prints every where you turn. Our stock market has fallen into a black hole because hey if your not selling new pyjamas or toilet roll who the hell needs it? You do not live in Instagram.

This isolation has been so good for me and it came just at the right time. I’m still coming to terms with her (possibly) starting school in September and I know she is ready, its me, I’m not. I’m so used to having her around all the time. We have made it to 18 days, three of us in our three bed semi detached house and not once fallen out. That’s marriage material that is. I have taken this time to be a mother, a fiancé a daughter and granddaughter. In ‘normaler’ times things you forget you miss, that good night kiss every night when your normally working. I will look back on this time in owe when its all over and remember the fun and laughter we had in our home and how we have all grown from this experience as a family.

Covid-19 is happening like they planned, its sweeping the globe faster than anything else I hope I ever see. I want to take all the positives out of this and look how this has healed some of the damage we as humans have done to our planet. I hope we learn with mother nature and take pride in saving our planet and realise just what 24hours shut down can do. Hold on we will get there together, come out stronger and united.

This to shall pass.